Category: Mushroom


The world of psychedelics, particularly magic mushrooms, is filled with myths, half-truths, and misconceptions. With magic mushrooms gaining increased attention due to their potential therapeutic benefits, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths surrounding magic mushrooms. 

1. Myth: Magic mushrooms are highly addictive 

Truth: Contrary to popular belief, psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, is not physically addictive. Users do not experience physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop using mushrooms. However, like all substances, they can be misused. Responsible and mindful use is always recommended. 

2. Myth: Magic mushrooms can make you “crazy” 

Truth: While it’s true that magic mushrooms can lead to intense experiences, including anxiety or panic, in some users, these effects are usually temporary and subside once the results of the mushrooms wear off. It’s essential to approach any psychedelic experience with respect and ideally under the guidance of an experienced guide or therapist. 

3. Myth: Magic mushrooms can lead to fatal poisoning 

Truth: While some highly toxic mushroom species exist, Psilocybe mushrooms (which contain psilocybin) are not among them. Although an individual may experience unpleasant physical effects, such as nausea or vomiting, death by toxicity from psilocybin mushrooms is virtually unheard of. 

4. Myth: Magic mushrooms cause brain damage 

Truth: Scientific evidence suggests that magic mushrooms do not cause brain damage. Research indicates that psilocybin may promote neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) and could potentially have therapeutic effects on the brain. 

5. Myth: Magic mushrooms can get stuck in your spinal fluid 

Truth: This is a widespread myth with no scientific basis. Psilocybin and psilocin (the active compounds in magic mushrooms) are metabolized and excreted from your body relatively quickly, typically within several hours. 

6. Myth: All mushrooms that grow on cow dung are magic mushrooms 

Truth: This is a dangerous misconception. While it’s true that some species of psilocybin mushrooms grow in dung, especially that of cattle, not all mushrooms that grow in such conditions are psilocybin mushrooms. Some might be toxic. Accurate identification is vital. 

7. Myth: Magic mushrooms lead to reckless behaviour and criminal activity 

Truth: Studies have found no correlation between psilocybin use and crime or reckless behaviour. Research suggests that psilocybin can potentially promote pro-social behaviours and increase feelings of well-being and life satisfaction. 

8. Myth: Magic mushrooms have no medicinal value 

Truth: Research suggests magic mushrooms could have therapeutic potential for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse disorders. 

Misinformation surrounding magic mushrooms is rife, fueled by years of stigmatization and lack of understanding. As scientific research into magic mushrooms and their effects continues, many of these myths are being debunked, paving the way for a more accurate understanding of these fascinating fungi. 


Due to the state of curiosity from youngsters, the consumption of substances like mushrooms, and other plants that, when consumed, can alter biological functions has increased globally. Magic mushrooms are believed to be highly efficient at enhancing brain cell growth, which could be a popular misconception.

For business purposes

The rise in popularity of magic mushrooms may be attributed to their market value in the modern age. People have invested heavily in the cultivation of mushrooms, and commercial mushroom cultivation takes place indoors. Moreover, the mushrooms are extremely expensive, necessitating increased farming.

The increased production of mushrooms makes them more accessible to a broader range of individuals. The advantages have made the plant dependable, with more innovations being made on it, and you can purchase it for use from local retailing stores.


The increased prevalence of anxiety and other neurological conditions caused by serotonin has prompted more psychotherapists to advocate for a more stringent solution, such as the medical use of mushrooms.

This factor increases serotonin in the brain, allowing them to relax more, leading to increased abuse, just like any other drug. Often these patients will buy more than they require and sell to other authorized personnel. Like any other thrilling illegal drug, people begin to distribute it from farmers, making it more widely accessible and thus more prevalent than before.

The rise of plant-based eating movements

These developments have led to a rise in the number of agriculturalists in the agricultural sector and the cultivation of magical mushrooms. Because of the introduction of kitchen cultivation and rooftop gardening, most individuals now grow their recreational plants in their households, making them easier to access.

Many individuals have learned to grow mushrooms for leisure and possibly as cash crops using online farming tutorials. This has caused the plant price to fall and the rise in consumption because the accessibility is anywhere they can buy at a cheap rate since everyone can plant it; thus, the demand for outsourcing is low.

Used in the medical field

The applicability of the cure is at the heart of modern health research advances. Magic mushrooms have been subjected to numerous medical examinations over the decade. The potential to use it as a treatment method for depression and anxiety has been critical in saving people suffering from these issues.

Psychedelics can be micro-dosed into mushroom products to improve concentration, emotional state, efficiency, creativity, and empathy. Even though high quantities can be dangerous to recipients, the drugs have few side effects compared to other medications in the same category.
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The following information will be suitable for researching why the magic mushroom has become popular.

Types of “functional mushrooms “and uses

Since the begin of time, man has been able to use what was around him to better his life. He learnt to use animals for food and transport, plants like trees for shelter and though it might have taken some time he eventually discovered various types of “functional mushrooms” and their uses (Lion Mane, Reishi, Chaga). 

All about the uses and risks of the different types of “functional mushrooms” and their uses (Lion Mane, Reishi, Chaga) 

According to various studies conducted all around the world, human beings have used mushrooms in their day to day lives since around 2660 B.C. Since then, the use of mushrooms has been expanded especially in the times that we live in where science and pharmaceutical industries are at an all time high. In this short article, we shall only discuss three types of “functional mushrooms” and uses (Lion Mane, Reishi, Chaga) 

Lion Mane 

This particular type of mushroom was first used in the highland regions of Asia where it was greatly revered for its great medicinal properties.  It was used by the people in the region for general body wellness and longevity of life. In the modern world, Lion Mane is used as a protection against Dementia (a disability that is characterized by memory loss), depression, to strengthen the immune system and to lower the risk of heart disease. 


Reishi mushroom, scientifically known as Ganoderma linghzhi was first discovered and is commonly known to grow in the Northern parts of America. Though it may not have as colourful history as Lion Mane, that does not mean that it is not equally as useful. Reishi is known to enhance the immune system, combat insomnia, lessen fatigue, decrease stress and aid in helping with hyper-tension. It plays a great role among the types of functional mushroom and uses (Lion Mane, Reishi, Chaga). 


Known as “Gift from God” or “King of herbs”, Chaga (Inonotus obliqus) has been in use in Europe and some parts of the United States for thousands of years. The mushroom is known for its several medicinal purposes such as boosting the immune system, diabetes treatment, heart disease and has shown great promise in the treatment of cancer especially liver, breast and uterine cancer. Tests are still being done on this mushroom to find out what other medicinal puzzles it can help scientists solve. 


It is a globally accepted fact that nothing can be completely perfect. Sadly, this fact also applies to the types of mushrooms outlined above. For instance, Reishi is known to cause dizziness and rashes in some people. Lion mane is known to cause difficulty in breathing and skin rashes while Chaga is known to contain a protein that prevents blood clotting. However, these side effects are known to affect only one of every ten people that use them. 

These types of “functional mushrooms” and uses (Lion Mane, Reishi, Chaga) have aided humanity in making great medical advancements and continue to be an important part of our lives. 

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